She Dreams

I feel my soul hollow as i relax in my small bed. As i lay down, sequel of thoughts, replicas and sensations start ocurring. I know it is a place which is a toran to the never ending scene of my dreams. As my lashes put effort to close my sour and complaisant eyes, I set myself free; free from the sorrow and greif. I dream of the other side of "me". I dream myself being a girl who is gutsy enough to let go things which are hers. A girl who is carefree, who doesnt know what it feels like to be hurt, bruised and neglected. A girl who knows how to smile and to be happy. A girl whose every wishes are granted as if the world is living for her. I dream of a girl who says shes fine and actully is. A girl on the other side of my dreams who is  lovely. A girl who can do anything she has always wanted to. A girl who could get mad. A girl who knows the purpose of living . I dream of a girl who can still love.


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