Happy New Year 2017

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You should impersonate the dignified characters who have contributed for the other's well-being. You are not an animal to not know the measures and morals required to live in a society. You should be that role model for others in the society who live for others. Be that person who doesn't laugh at another one but instead creates an environment to laugh together because togetherness brings happiness. Support each other and be ready to help if you are a legitimate social-being. Believe in god but moreover believe in yourself and in truth which the world will accept. Try to see brighter aspects of life and work against the dark ones. To bring a change, be the change yourself. Start evolution and see how the whole universe will come under your feet. So don't backstab people because what goes around; comes around. Ignore those who try to bring you down and instead try to show them the reflection of their own approach of living. You don't have to be economically rich but will get blessings if you are rich by heart. Do not fear to get suppressed because only if you are; you will learn to embolden yourself. It's not really important to be loved. You give the world what you can and the world will give you things which you've never thought of. You are blessed to be granted with life so make the most of it.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Start Fresh!


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